to Aug 3

Summer Camps 2025

  • Roswell Presbyterian Church

Sign-up for one of our amazing summer camps at RPC!

Vacation Bible School (VBS) 2025

Monday, June 2 — Thursday, June 5
9:00 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.
For all children ages 4 (by June 2, 2025) through rising 5th grade
Sunday, June 1: VBS Kickoff, Time TBD

Roswell Presbyterian Preschool (RPP) Summer Camp
Monday, June 9 - Thursday, June 12
9:30 a.m. — 1:00 p.m.
For any currently enrolled RPP student.

Preschool Music Camp - Week One
Jungle Beat and the Rhythm of Life
Monday, June 16 - Thursday, June 19
9 a.m. to noon
For 3-year-olds (by January 1, 2025)
through rising 1st graders
Cost: $140 for the first child; $120 for each additional child

Preschool Music Camp - Week Two
Jungle Beat and the Rhythm of Life
Monday, July 21- Thursday, July 24, 2025
9:00 a.m. to noon
For 3-year-olds (by January 1, 2025)
through rising 1st graders
Cost: $140 for the first child; $120 for each additional child

Elementary School RAMP Camp
Roswell Area Missions Project
9:00 a.m. - noon
Monday, July 21- Thursday, July 24, 2025
For rising 2nd through 5th graders
Cost: $125

ryeX Middle School Trip - Son Servants
Monday, June 23 - Saturday, June 28
For rising 7th through 9th graders
Chattanooga, TN
Cost: $500

ryeX Middle School Summer Trip - The Great Escape
Sunday, July 27 - Thursday, July 31
For rising 6th through 8th graders
Ocoee Ridge Camp, Old Fort, TN
Cost: $500

ryeX High School Mission Trip - Serve Orlando
For rising 9th through graduated 12th grade
Sunday, June 15 - Saturday, June 21
Cost: $600

ryeX High School - Montreat Youth Conference 2025
For rising 9th through graduated 12th grade
Sunday, July 20 - Saturday, June 26
Montreat, NC
Cost: $550

9:30 am09:30

Exploring RPC

  • Roswell Presbyterian Church

Learn all about RPC!

Join us for this class designed to help you get to know new people at Roswell Presbyterian Church, learn more about church programs, and discover places to worship, pray, give, study, and serve. You are invited to attend our Exploring RPC classes. We will offer in-person and virtual classes throughout the year.

Exploring RPC Class & Lunch
Sunday, March 9
9:30 a.m. — 12:00 p.m.
Optional lunch afterward to get to know our pastors and staff from 11:45 a.m. — 12:15 p.m.
Alderman Hall C & D
(click here for campus map)
Childcare is available.

New Member Sunday
After you attend the Exploring Class you will attend New Member Sunday on March 23 from 10 a.m. — 10:30 a.m. in Alderman Hall Middle (click here for campus map).

Email Rev. Morgan Burge at

Learn more about RPC, click here
Learn more about membership at RPC, click here
Learn more about the RPC story, click here

9:30 am09:30

Young Family Fellowship Group

  • Roswell Presbyterian Church

Connect with other families!

Young Family Fellowship Group

Sunday, March 9
9:30 a.m.
Alderman Hall C/D

This group includes expectant parents, preschool and young elementary parents and offers a wonderful opportunity to connect, build relationships, and enjoy meaningful fellowship with other young families.

Meetings are the second and fourth Sundays of each month.
Sunday, March 23
Sunday, April 13
Sunday, April 27
Sunday, May 11
Sunday, May 25

Questions, email Teri Kish at or Rachel Rea at

5:30 pm17:30

RPV - Easter Baskets

  • Roswell Presbyterian Church

Deadline to register is Monday, March 10


Wednesday, March 12
5:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Alderman Hall

Join us for dinner at 5:30 p.m., followed by a churchwide volunteer event to make Easter baskets for local foster children. Everyone is welcome—come serve with us! We want to encourage individuals and families to volunteer.  We can’t wait to share in a night of service with all of you. Check out our list to donate items for the baskets before the event here.

Please register as we need a dinner count. Deadline to register is Monday, March 10
Cost is $10.00 per person for dinner.

We are looking for donated items to put in the baskets.
Drop off items at RPC by Friday, March 1

6:30 pm18:30

Community Support Group

  • Roswell Presbyterian Church

Thursdays until March 27

Community Support Group
Thursdays until March 27 (5 weeks)
6:30 - 8:00 p.m.
Alderman Hall C/D

A journey to healing and wholeness. We all experience brokenness, disappointment, and pain. Life is hard, and we are not created to journey alone. Our group seeks to be together in community, supporting one another in difficult times, growing together in faith, and finding hope and peace from God who loves us.

If you are experiencing mental health issues, the pain of divorce, illness, loss of a loved one, or are looking to be a part of a confidential, supportive faith community group, please join us Thursdays, February 27 — March 27, from 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. in Alderman Hall C/D.

Registration is encouraged, but not required.

contact Sonia Scheb by email,, or call 770-649-4526.

8:45 am08:45

Habitat for Humanity

  • Habitat for Humanity Ecumenical Build

Help build a home for the Jadid family!

Ecumenical Build

Saturday, Saturday, March 15:
Siding/Exterior Paint

Help build a home for the Jadid family!
Shift Times: 8:45 a.m. — 3:30 p.m.

617 Hickory Nut, Canton, Ga.

Build Schedule
Saturday, March 15: Siding/Exterior Paint
Saturday, March 22: Exterior Paint
Saturday, April 12: Landscape

Donna Brodsky

Jim Owen

Sabrina Kirkland

We're building a home for Mouhcine and Amina Jadid and their two children. Amina and Mouhcine are looking forward to the new experience of building a home together, and plan on using it to teach their children lessons in the power of hard work and going after their goals. "I love my family as they make me feel happy, safe and. " confident. I'm looking forward to becoming a homeowner and having a stable mortgage that we can afford." - Amina Jadid.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Thank you for your service.

Jim Owen
Cell - 678-643-6274



12:15 pm12:15

F2 Pizza, Sardines & Ice Cream

  • Roswell Presbyterian Church

All 4th and 5th graders are invited!

F2: Pizza, Sardines, & Ice Cream
Sunday, March 16 from 12:15-1:30 pm in Alderman Hall
Cost is $8.00

Register by March 11

All 4th and 5th graders are invited to join us for Pizza, Sardines, & Ice Cream on March 16, 2025, from 12:15-1:30 pm in Alderman Hall. Don't worry, the sardines aren't on the menu... We'll be eating the pizza and ice cream, and playing several rounds of "Sardines" around the church grounds! This will be a great way for students to have fun with each other, build relationships, and explore the church! We will end with an ice cream sundae bar! Cost is $8.00 per person.

Questions? Contact Sara Hammond by email or call 770-649-4519

5:00 pm17:00

How to Love Your Refugee Neighbor

  • Kairos Church

In partnership with Kairos Church

How to Love Your Refugee Neighbor
Sunday, March 16
5 – 6:30 p.m.
Kairos Church
5855 Riverside Dr.
Sandy Springs, GA 30327

Join Friends of Refugees for an evening of conversation, prayer, and a panel discussion. Learn how recent policy changes impact our New American friends. Leave inspired with practical ideas for how you, your family, and your community can love our refugee neighbors well.

$15 per person to cover the cost of the meal. Registration closes Saturday, March 8.

*Attendees are invited to continue conversations over a meal directly after the event. This meal will be catered by local refugee businesses in the Clarkston community and there is a recommended donation of $15 per meal.

Questions? Contact Donna Brodsky by email or call 770-649-4524.

Learn more about Friends of Refugees, click here.

to Mar 23

Men's Retreat

  • Brasstown Valley Resort

Men of RPC: Retreat 2025

2025 Men of RPC Retreat
A River Runs Through It
Friday, March 21 - Saturday, March 23

Brasstown Valley Resort
6321 Highway 76
Young Harris, Georgia 30582

Come join the Men of RPC Annual Retreat at the beautiful Brasstown Valley Resort with the Rev. Ryan Jensen speaking.

Questions? Please reach out to either: Jim Baker by emailing or Teri Kish by emailing

Cost Options:
One night (Single occupancy): $359
Both nights (single occupancy): $564
One night (double occupancy): $256
Both nights (double occupancy): $360
Retreat only: meals and no room - $130
Rooms are limited. Sign up early to guarantee your spot!

Costs include Saturday breakfast, lunch and dinner, and Sunday breakfast. The following activities will be available on Saturday afternoon: golf, hiking, shotgun shooting, mountain biking and free time.  Golf and shotgun shooting are at additional cost.

Deadline to register is Monday, February 17, 2025

Where is Brasstown Valley Resort?
If you have not been to Brasstown Valley, you are in for a treat. The hotel address is 6321 Highway 76, Young Harris, Georgia.
Their website is
It is about a 2 hour drive from RPC.

What to Expect at the Retreat
We are often asked this question by first-time attendees. Our typical agenda is as follows:

Guys that arrive early like to gather at Brassies for dinner, which is downstairs from the hotel’s check-in desk. The cost for dinner will be on your own. After dinner, many of the guys like to hang out at the Azalea cabin (an on-site cabin that we have reserved) for fellowship and to watch college basketball tournament games. Most guys like to arrive on Friday to participate in Friday evening fellowship.


We start the morning with the hotel’s awesome breakfast buffet. We have our first retreat session starting at 9 am, typically lasting until 11:30. Box lunches will be available immediately after the morning session. Saturday afternoon is set aside for activities (golf, hiking, shotgun shooting, mountain biking or free time). We reconvene around 6 pm for our second retreat session, followed by a delicious prime rib buffet. Fellowship at the Azalea cabin follows dinner. All Saturday meals are included in your registration fee.


The morning starts with another round at the hotel’s breakfast buffet (included in your registration fee). We then have our third retreat session, followed by Worship and Communion. The retreat ends before noon, after Worship. 

Should You Need Financial Assistance
Financial assistance is available if needed. Please contact Rev. Ryan Jensen (  for more information regarding financial assistance. We do not want price to be a limiting factor in your decision to attend. Funds are available to assist in the cost if needed.

9:30 am09:30

Young Family Fellowship Group

  • Roswell Presbyterian Church

Connect with other families!

Young Family Fellowship Group

Sunday, March 23
9:30 a.m.
Alderman Hall C/D

This group includes expectant parents, preschool and young elementary parents and offers a wonderful opportunity to connect, build relationships, and enjoy meaningful fellowship with other young families.

Meetings are the second and fourth Sundays of each month.
Sunday, April 13
Sunday, April 27
Sunday, May 11
Sunday, May 25

Questions, email Teri Kish at or Rachel Rea at

7:00 pm19:00

Service of Healing and Wholeness

  • Roswell Presbyterian Church

All are invited to this very special service

A Service of Healing
and Wholeness

Tuesday, March 25
7:00 p.m.

"Be Encouraged"
Rev. Ryan Jensen

A service of prayer an anointing for Healing & Wholeness

Childcare is available for infants through preschool age. No registration necessary.

Learn more about Worship at RPC, click here

Learn more about the Pastoral Staff at RPC, click here

Learn more about Congregational Care Ministries, click here

Make a prayer request, click here

9:45 am09:45

Confirmation Breakfast

  • Roswell Presbyterian Church

Confirmands, Family, Friends, Teachers, and Mentors are invited to a special breakfast celebrating this next step in their Faith Journey.

Confirmands, Family, Friends, Teachers, and Mentors are invited to a special breakfast celebrating this next step in their Faith Journey.

DATE: Sunday, March 30
TIME: 9:45 a.m.
LOCATION: Alderman Hall

Contact: Kerri Irwin

6:30 pm18:30

Theology on Tap

  • Roswell Presbyterian Church

Everyone is invited to join us!

All adults Theology on Tap!

Monday, March 31
Gate City Brewing - Artillery Room

6:30 p.m.

Join us to connect and engage in casual conversation about faith and life. No reservations necessary, just show up! For more information, contact Teri Kish at

5:45 am05:45

Serve Breakfast

  • Roswell Presbyterian Church

Monthly Breakfast for Housing Insecure

Serve Breakfast

First Sunday of the month
Meet at RPC South Tower Entrance
5:45 a.m.

Join RPC member Mickey Deaton on the first Sunday of the month to serve breakfast to the housing insecure in Atlanta. Participants will meet at the RPC South Tower entrance at 5:45 a.m. to drive together to First Presbyterian Church in Atlanta (1328 Peachtree St. NE, Atlanta, GA 30309).

For details and to sign up text or call Mickey at 770-310-2202.

Email Donna Brodsky at

Upcoming Opportunities
May 4
June 1
July 6
August 3
September 7
October 5
November 2
December 7



to Jan 11

Virtual Coffee Hour

  • Roswell Presbyterian Church

Join us on Zoom the first Sunday of each month from 11:45 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. for fellowship and sermon discussion.

Join us on Zoom the first Sunday of each month from 11:45 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. for fellowship and sermon discussion. It’s a great way to connect with others from our worship community! Everyone is welcome—whether you're new or a longtime member. Email for the Zoom link and join when you can. 

March 2
April 6
May 4
June 1

to Apr 11

Family Mission Trip

  • Roswell Presbyterian Church

We are so excited that the Family Mission Trip is back for 2025!

Family Mission Trip
Monday, April 7 thru Friday, April 11, 2024
St. Simon Island, GA

We are so excited that the Family Mission Trip is back for 2025! We will serve in the areas surrounding St. Simon's Island April 7-11, 2025. We will meet in St. Simon's Monday, April 7 at 4:00 p.m. and leave Friday, April 11 after breakfast. Lodging and meals are at Epworth by the Sea on St. Simon's. We will serve Tuesday-Thursday morning in a variety of ways (past examples include cleaning debris from marshland, a car wash at an assisted living home, and serving at the Boys and Girls Club). Meals are included from dinner Monday-breakfast Friday. Youth aged middle school and above may attend without their families as part of the "youth family."

**Registration is only needed for one adult family member. Later in the registration process, you will list the names of additional family members attending. 

Bring your Bible

COST (includes 4 nights and 11 meals):
1 adult, 1 child - $1050
1 adult, 2 children - $1250
1 adult, 3 children - $1450
2 adults, 1 child - $1400
2 adults, 2 children - $1600
2 adults, 3 children - $1800 (2 rooms are recommended for this number of people)
Additional kid per room - $135
Additional teen per room - $270
Single adult - $800

A $100 deposit reserves a spot for your family!
Contact: Rev. Carrie Weatherford 

3:00 pm15:00

Easter Egg Hunt

  • Roswell Presbyterian Church

One of our favorite Easter traditions!


Saturday, April 19
RPC's Courtyard
3:00-4:00 p.m.

Join us for our Easter tradition on Saturday, April 19, in the Courtyard for fun, treats, and the Easter Egg Hunt!

This event is FREE. Please bring 2 dozen (24) filled Easter eggs for each child participating. There will be separate hunts for children ages 5 and under, and 6 and up.

Register by Thursday, April 17.

Questions? Contact Sara Hammond at

Learn more about Children’s Ministry at RPC, click here

Learn more about Lenten Season and Holy Week at RPC, click here

12:00 pm12:00

New Member Mixer

  • Roswell Presbyterian Church

Attention All New Members!

New Member Mixer
Sunday, April 27
12:15 — 1:30 p.m.
Alderman Hall (center)

Attention All New Members!
If you have joined RPC within the last year, please join us for lunch.

If you are planning to attend please send an email to Morgan Burge,
or Sonia Scheb,
Thank you. See you then!

to Jun 5

RPC True North VBS

  • Roswell Presbyterian Church

Save the Date for VBS 2025


Kickoff: Sunday, June 1
VBS: Monday, June 2 — Thursday, June 5
9:00 am - 12:15 pm
4-year-olds (by June 2, 2025) to rising 5th graders

Registration will open in March 2025.

RPC True North VBS 2025:
Children ages 4 (by June 2, 2025) through 5th grade are invited to join us for a wonderful week of Vacation Bible School. 

VBS will take kids on an unforgettable Alaskan adventure where the northern lights shine over majestic mountains, racing rivers, and sparkling glaciers. As they trek the tundra, they’ll discover how easy it is to lose sight of what’s true in our wild world today.  Guiding them towards Jesus, True North VBS reveals that He is a faithful friend we can always trust. He’s our True North!. 

Children will learn Bible stories, and participate in fun recreational games, music, and crafts. This event is free! We also need volunteers to help make this week a success.

Vacation Bible School (VBS) Volunteer
For adults and rising 6th graders through college-age students.
Monday, June 2 - Thursday, June 5, 2025
8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. each day

VBS Volunteer Training:
 Training sessions will be held on the evening of May 29 and the morning of June 1, 2025. Times TBD. Each volunteer must attend one of the two trainings to ensure that everyone is prepared and ready for VBS 2025.

Every volunteer 18 and older must complete a background check. If you have not had a background check completed with Roswell Presbyterian Church (RPC) in the past 3 years, RPC will initiate one on your behalf for you to complete via email. We will initiate the background check a few weeks before VBS 2025 begins. A current RPC background check is mandatory for all volunteers 18 or older. 

Any questions? Email Emily Kemp at

to Jul 5

Kenya Mission Trip

  • Roswell Presbyterian Church

Safari with a Purpose!

Kenya Mission
Trip 2025

June 27–July 5
Cost is $3,500.00 (pending airfare)

Safari with a Purpose!
Join Rev. Carrie Weatherford and Donna Brodsky for a Kenya Mission Experience, June 27-July 5 2025 (the planned trip is 10 days based on airfare the dates may change on the front or back of the trip). The trip is open to adults, 18 years and older.

Participants will serve alongside Zablon Kuria, R.O.C.K. Bridge Ministries and local church leadership with several organizations, schools and students around Nakuru. Trip includes a two-day photo safari.

Cost is $3,500.00 pending airfare. The cost includes: Flights, agency fees, all transportation, all lodging, all food(except maybe 2-3 lunches), 2 day safari and all gratuities. The final cost will be effected by the total number of participants and final airfare. The total of your trip is tax deductible. Payment plans are available.

Registration deadline is Wednesday, April 9, with a $1,200 deposit with the balance due by May 30, 2025.


For questions contact
Donna Brodsky

Learn more about Mission Outreach opportunities, click here

Call for Photos
to Mar 2

Call for Photos

  • Roswell Presbyterian Church

You’re invited to participate in a photo exhibit!

to Nov 3


  • Roswell Presbyterian Church

Would you prayerfully consider how God is calling you to financially support the ministry of Roswell Presbyterian Church in 2025?

PW Thank Offering
10:30 am10:30

PW Thank Offering

All women are invited to join us on Tuesday, October 22 for the Presbyterian Women Thank Offering

Location in the Historic Sanctuary