Flower Guild
Commemorative flowers are scheduled for the Sanctuary and Narthex for most Sundays of the year. These are prepared by gifted members of the Flower Guild and add beauty and meaning to the worship services. Please note: we do not schedule flowers during Advent and only schedule Narthex arrangements for Palm Sunday and Easter. Also, some Sundays' flower colors are dictated by the church calendar. The cost of the arrangement is $85 and payment is requested no later than the week prior to the date they will display.
To request to schedule commemorative flowers on Sunday mornings complete out the Sanctuary/Narthex Flower Request Form.
Or contact:
Cherie Crabtree
Volunteers are always welcome on the team and are guided through the initial processes by current team members. For more information, contact Barbara Crank, 770-495-1840.
Sanctuary/Narthex Flower Request
Communion Guild
The communion guild is responsible for preparing the elements for communion for three services on the first Sunday of each month and for special times such as Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, Women's Advent Service, and Christmas Eve. Volunteers prepare the elements on Saturday Morning, set up each service on Sunday, and clean up afterward. The schedule allows everyone to work when it is convenient for them. Contact Pam Verma or Betsy Homer, Director of Worship and Arts, for more information.
Creative Arts Ministry (CAM)
CAM seeks to raise awareness of the value of arts in both corporate worship and individuals’ faith journeys. At the heart of our exhibits is the power of storytelling-- God’s promise of transformation, stories of Jesus we know from the Bible, and our own stories about God working in and around us. This ministry coordinates exhibits on the RPC campus throughout the year.
Past exhibits:
Roots to Routes: Creative Expression of the Creeds That Shape our Faith Journeys
Are you an artist looking for a way to share your gifts?
Or an enthusiasts wanting to support the arts?
Click here to be notified for the next exhibit.
Betsy Homer
The Usher Team is always looking for friendly, smiling faces to join this program. Ushering is easy, fun and spiritually rewarding. No experience required; we will train you on everything you need to know. You will be working with a team of people dedicated to helping people feel at home at RPC.
Audio/Visual Team
Volunteers are needed in our sound and video booth for Sunday morning worship and special worship services/events. Experience is a plus but not a requirement.
Trenton Durham for audio at trenton@roswellpres.org
Meghan Greenwalt for visual at meghan@roswellpres.org
“Christian worship joyfully ascribes all praise and honor, glory and power to the triune God. In worship, the faithful offer themselves to God and are equipped for God’s service in the world.”